

The old adage that “a picture paints a thousand words” (attributed to a 1911 newspaper article by Arthur Brisbane), still rings true today. As humans we are born with the ability to process pictures and are hardwired to respond to visuals. Our eyes are automatically drawn to visuals first, whereas words tend to run together. This is why Infographics can be a powerful learning tool.

What is an Infographic?

An infographic is a is a highly effective tool for presenting and communicating complex information, knowledge and/or data. Infographics leverage the use of simple graphics, icons, charts, graphs and limit the amount of text, so learners can quickly and clearly understand the key elements.

Tools for creating an Infographic

Infographics can be easily created even if you don’t have graphic design skills. Some of my favorite tools for creating Infographics are:


Piktochart is a free application for designing not only Infographics but also posters, presentations and reports. It comes with a basic library of tools including a variety of:

  • Backgrounds
  • Shapes
  • Lines
  • Icons
  • Photos
  • 14 styles of graphs.

Additionally you are able to upload your own images or videos from YouTube or Vimeo.